How to Set Business Hours and After-Hours Routing

How to Set Business Hours and After-Hours Routing

Our call management platform lets you set business hours and rules for after-hours call routing. You can configure how calls are routed based on the available hours of your business.

Routing Calls Based on Business Hours

Business hours and after-hours routing are included features with all of our service plans. You just need to be an admin to set business hours in our system.

Let’s take a look at how to set business hours.

1. Log in to your control panel.

2. Click My Phone Numbers on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

3. Click on the Settings Icon on the line that you would like to modify.
A screenshot of after-hours call routing settings.

Underneath Call Forwarding, click Advanced Routing.

An image that shows how to set up business hours for call forwarding.

Adjust the Forwarding Rules according to your preferences. Changes will take effect based on the Activity Time Zone that you chose (under the General tab). By default, it is set to the US Eastern time zone.

This image shows an example of rules for after-hours call routing and scheduling.

This image shows an example of business hours call routing rules.

4. Click Save Changes.

If a call is received at a day or time combination that is not covered by any rule, the call will automatically go to voicemail, if voicemail is enabled, or rejected otherwise.

Once your business hours are set up, you can ensure that your business will never miss another phone call. If your agents are unavailable after-hours, calls can be routed to other phones or devices globally.

Learn More About After-Hours Call Routing

To learn more about setting up business hours and after-hours call routing, please contact your account manager.